Maria Mersynia was born in Athens in 1977. In 2001 she received her Bachelor degree from the Department of Archives, Library Science and Museology in Ionian University, She is a PhD candidate in the same university in the sector of Museology. She systematically delves her knowledge more deeply in the sector of cultural management, sonservation of works of art and history. She has a special interest in local history, especially Cephalonia’s, her place of origin. At the same time she is a Msc student at the Hellenic Open University in the postgraduate program of “Public History”. She speaks English, French and at a basic level Italian. She works in the field of Cultural Management for the past 20 years especially with recording and studying books, newspapers, magazines and archives with emphasis in the scientific ctaloguing and documenting of informational material for research purposes.

«The Oral History Group for the Corinthian Currant gave me the opportunity to scientifically study perpespectives of my place of origin that I wasn’t aware of and learn about experiences people close to me had that I possibly wouldn’t otherwise. This journey which began by documenting the Corinthian currant network through oral history became an important life experience. The guides and co-travellers/co-researchers were the best company for this journey!»