Virginia Mastrogiannaki (1978) graduated from the Master of Fine Arts, School of Fine Arts of Athens (2013), the Master of Fine Arts, School of Visual and Applied Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts, AUTh (2010) and received the D.N.S.E.P. (International Superior Degree of Plastic Expression) from the School of Fine Arts of Rouen, France (2002). Selected exhibitions: 2020 SJ, “Akış/Flux”, curated by Paula Garcia and Serge Le Borgne, Marina Abramovic Institute (MAI)+Sakıp Sabancı Müzesi (SSM), Istanbul (upcoming) (2019) reading in/reading out, Old Parliament House/National Historical Museum, Athens, a production of MOMus, with the support of Outset (2018) Communion / Tune II, in collaboration with Georges Patronas on music editing, curated by Alexandros Plomaritis, Kapani project, Thessaloniki (2017) like me, CHART Art Fair, Copenhagen, Denmark II mensuration of stars, “Shared Sacred Sites”, curated by Thouli Misirloglou, Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki, (2016) jargon, “As One”, curated by Paula Garcia and Serge Le Borgne NEON+Marina Abramovic Institute, Benaki Museum, Athens, Greece (2015) I need your attention, “Globale Control and Censorship”, curated by Bernhard Serexhe, ZKM, Karslruhe, Germany // passive voice, 5th Young artists’ workshop “Romance”, curated by Areti Leopoulou, Yeni Tjami, biennale of Thessaloniki, (2014) Savoir Vivre, curated by Nikos Mykoniatis, 24th International Istanbul Art Fair, Municipality of Thessaloniki pavilion,Turkey.

The artists
Images of a floating world